Valiant Horizon #
Tell us the Tale… #
Valiant Horizon is a heroic fantasy game about regular people chosen to gain the powers and mentorship of departed heroes through magical means, learning from and bonding with other fledgling heroes, developing their own legend, and eventually becoming enshrined in legend themselves. It’s about meeting new friends and growing with them, vanquishing enemies, discovering ancient secrets, developing a world together, and making a mark on the world.

A Heroic Fantasy Game #
Valiant Horizon features:
- Lightweight, fast-paced tactics.
- 12 unique classes of heroes, each with their own unique traits and powers.
- A robust Relationships and Bonds system provides weight to the friends you make along the way.
- A strong emphasis on creating a setting at your table as a campaign progresses through the recollections of ancient heroes.
- Powered by Binary Star Games’ Total//Effect system.
Where to get it #
Digital copies are available on!
Physical copies are available at: