RUNEvember Session 10: Abrus Island

RUNEvember Session 10: Abrus Island

November 24, 2022
rune, runevember

Session 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

This time, I washed up on Abrus Island!

Agonizing coughing. Heaving expulsions of salt water. Then, finally, a laborious inhale. You live. Wiping sand and blood from your face, you try to piece together the events of the previous night: a sudden severe storm, a giant waves, the crack of the ship’s hull, pain, darkness. You’ve washed ashore here, wherever that might be. Standing, there’s a familiar pull on your soul – a Sigil nearby. Although carved by unknown hands, you feel linked to it. You lash together a simple spear and grab a piece of driftwood as a crude shield before heading off into the dense forest ahead.

Overview and Realm Mechanics

This one's an 8-point Realm. It's not too many points, but they're pretty packed, it's on the longer side.

The map of an island, with connected points labeled 1 through 8.

This one's got a bunch of Realm mechanics:

First up, some fights are Ambushes. This means that they're Fights you have to engage in when you enter the area. (This one's pretty common, though it always has different names.)

There's also a semi-random encounter: on points 1-6, entering has a 1 in 6 chance of provoking an encounter with the rune lord!

Next, some enemies have subtypes. Flying is simple enough, they count as one square further away to hit and ignore terrain. Swarm is more complicated: they can't use any die rolls with an ability higher than their Health, but they roll a d6 for every ability they have available. There's also Destructible terrain, which can be attacked.

Finally, there's a few new tags. Pursue is like Move + Harm, but it happens after the character's movement: it's spent as movement and anything left over turns into Harm. Targeted means it targets whatever's in the square you started the turn on, no matter what's there. Augment's one for weapons, if you're activating that weapon you can spend an extra die indicated (like 1-2) to do something extra.

Realm Clock

The Realm Clock here represents Toxins. Every time you take 1 or more Harm, advance the clock; every time it advances three times, you gain 1 stack of Toxin. For each stack, reduce the highest die amount you have by 1 (so if you have 2 stacks and your highest die is a 5, now it's a 3.) If you can't reduce it further on a roll (like if you have all 1's), you take Harm instead.

Death Penalty

It's just gaining more Toxin. Doesn't need to be more, really.

Play Impressions

A pretty tough one, but it's got cool stuff for sure!

Everything in this part of the post is spoilers for the Realm. Click this to show it if that's fine with you!

Even for someone who's like 10 Realms in, this Realm was in parts VERY hard, not because of the bosses/uniques but because of the regular enemies. If I didn't have the Osteomancer rune I'd have been in deep, deep shit more than a few times here. The non-negligible enemies have a ton of health (most have 5, and at least one Block move) and hit like a truck: one of them has Pursue 5, which is a great way to stop being alive if you're cornered and you roll poorly, because you can easily take 3-5 Harm. This is offset slightly by having a reliable 2 Movement+poke on your starting weapon but in a lot of cases all that means is that the best you can do is tread water. One encounter had enemies who had 5 Health and Block 1 due to destructible terrain they were on, which would have necessitated either taking several turns to whittle that down while being attacked or just dealing with always dealing 1 less Harm, and thanks to Toxin I was at best dealing 2 -> 1 Harm. It took way too long!

Toxin reducing your highest die is extremely rough given how much health enemies have, how much block they have, and how much Harm they can do. If you're relying on taking things down fast with a 6 or blocking more than 1 Harm, you'd better hope you rolled two or can combine dice. Even with 3 dice to start your chances of getting 2 or more 6's on a roll is extremely low. And rolling low at low Toxin basically always means you're taking Harm.

This Realm has something I've seen in a few, which is a resource gathering -> tinkering aspect. Notably, this one has a lab where you can use flowers you find to do things like create antitoxins, increase your stamina, or give yourself equipment. It's neat but unfortunately most of the really good options require very high Lore, at which point they're largely ways to make the Rune Lord easier, and it mostly doesn't need to be easier.

Regarding equipment, this one's got a bunch. You start with a makeshift spear and driftwood shield, of which the spear is wildly powerful in any other context (aka if you take it outside this Realm). It's basically the playtest spear and the playtest spear was pretty busted! The shield is basically the playtest shield though which sucked. When you beat the unique enemy, you can get the Greatwood Maul, a good 4-5-6 weapon with an Augment 1-2 that adds Move and Bash - I'll use that for sure going forward. Through exploration, you'll also find Flux, a spell that only works on a 5-6 but does a bunch of extremely flexible things. Maybe a few too many things, it's got a lot going on. There's a few pieces of gear too: one that gives you Block 2 when you combine two dice to a 2-3 (absolutely taking that) and a few that I didn't get because I ran out of flowers.

The Rune Lord having a 1 in 6 chance of attacking you seems a lot more threatening until you realize the Rune Lord's Phase 1 has 3 Health. It does advance Toxin even faster though. Its second phase is interesting: it spawns with three minions, and every time it would die a minion dies instead. It wasn't hard, mostly because it rolled poorly and I had enough Harm online at that point to take it down every turn.

Depending on how much Toxin you have, you pick one of two Runes. One is a once per Realm ability to Harm a ton of enemies, the other is a once per Rest ability to gain a lot of Block and then set your dice to whatever you like (as long as they're not all the same value). Interesting stuff in both cases.

  • Weapons:
    • Gleamwood's Maul (Abrus Island)
    • Lance of Light (Castle Blanchard)
    • Radiant Heater (Cragcliff Reformatory)
  • Gear:
    • Graven Shackles (The Cracks Betwixt)
    • Raynard's Resistance (Abrus Island)
  • Runes:
    • E: Tide Run (Coral Rock)
    • E: Osteomancer's Rune (World's Grave)
    • E: Rune of Control (Castle Blanchard)
    • Fate's Foe
    • Silvertongue Rune (Cragcliff Reformatory)
    • Devouring Rune (Bulwark Hollow)
    • Obran Express Medal (Obran Express)
    • Obsidian Arm (Obsidian Brink)
    • Fate's Hunter (Great Serpent Tree replacement)
    • Grinea's Stasis (Abrus Island)

Next time, my pamphlet realm, Dread Manse!

(Read the original on cohost here!)