RUNEvember Session 12: The Scourged City

RUNEvember Session 12: The Scourged City

November 26, 2022
rune, runevember

Session 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

The city of Giernan was a place of ambition and prosperity, as well as poverty and despair. Widening social castes gave way to hatred, and something truly abyssal was brought into the city. Unrest became disorder, and men became monsters. The city was sealed off from the outside and you were trapped. Then everything began to burn.

You awakened in the Clinic Ward and discovered it too had burned. Citizens, once seeking to hunt out the demons, are turning into demons without even realizing their spiritual fall. You must escape this sealed city or face a nightmare every time you wake.

Overview and Realm Mechanics

Did you play Bloodborne and like it? If so, you're going to find a lot here to like, because it's very much the first area or so of Bloodborne remixed a bit. I don't mean to be dismissive by saying that, there's a fair bit of unique or interesting stuff here, but it definitely wears its influence on its sleeve.

One thing that it definitely takes from that is discovering citizens. Whenever you take an action that allows for discovery, you roll 2d6 and see who's there. If you've played Bloodborne, there aren't going to be too many surprises. You can send them to the church or to the clinic, for varying rewards.

In kind of an escape-before-escape-mechanics-existed thing, you can roll 1d6 + Lore vs. an escape value listed to bypass a fight. If it fails, you take Harm and have to do the fight. (It says "bypass" but also you just go back to the previous area if you succeed. Doesn't sound much like bypassing to me.)

In addition to Lore gating certain things, you can spend it in various ways too. Lore-as-currency is an interesting push-pull.

Finally, there's a random encounter mechanic which seems to barely come up? More on that in the spoiler section.

A map of points from 1 to 11, connected by lines. 9 and 10 are disconnected.

Realm Clock

So there are two clocks. The Infected clock ticks forward every time a fight starts. It ticks back, however, when a citizen is sent elsewhere. The Flaming clock ticks forward every time a fight lasts longer than 4 rounds.

When either is full, the city gets Infected or Flaming: this changes what's present in certain locations. Neither is terribly punishing, so this is a pretty cool idea!

Death Penalty

On death, you lose Lore. If you kill the enemy who took it from you, you get it back; otherwise, it's gone forever.

Play Impressions

This one's pretty cool! A few pain points for me but nothing too big.

Everything in this part of the post is spoilers for the Realm. Click this to show it if that's fine with you!

The Realm starts you with just a Syringe and a Torch. No Block on either. Do you get it? It's Bloodborne, did you get it? To theoretically compensate for the massive problem in the gameplay this immediately creates, the Syringe has Rally 1, which restores 1 Health on a hit if you took Harm last turn. This really doesn't feel sufficient - you'll just about always take at least 1 Harm per fight (more notable when I have 5 Health max!) and, more importantly, it's always annoying to track anything from round to round. As someone who's played a lot of Bloodborne, honestly this doesn't really feel like Bloodborne at all, aesthetic aside? Bloodborne's much more about avoiding getting hit, Rally's a cool feature in Bloodborne but it's not really anything you can lean on unless you really know what you're doing or have very specific weapons. But this isn't a game where you can really avoid things so it ends up feeling pretty much the same as Block except with way more caveats. This might be a good use case for tags like Quick/Slow, where some Harm resolves earlier/later. (You can get your stuff back pretty quick at least if you were coming from another Realm, at the very least, but this would definitely feel weird if that weren't the case!)

I really like the Realm Clocks in spirit! I'm always going to be in favor of things that only track certain actions, and putting a clock on fights is interesting. But it also means that you're much more beholden to whatever gets rolled in a given fight. The Clocks filling aren't as nasty as Infected or Flaming might sound at least so this isn't that bad if you get stuck on a loop of the enemy only rolling a 6 or whatever.

The Lore thing is interesting. I spent through mine to make the Blood-Drinking Blade because I had 4 Lore at the right place in the right time. That said, spending it at all feels like a mistake until you know everything that needs it, because it's not terribly plentiful. (Especially given that discovering citizens is the biggest way to decrease Infected and that's Lore-gated. Better hope you do everything in the right order.)

The random encounter thing only shows up in certain places when Infected or Flaming, and mostly as a replacement for a unique encounter? I'm not sure why it's there, honestly. It's a lot of page space for something that barely comes up and could have just been a set encounter.

The enemies are pretty standard fare, with the note that thanks to the Flaming clock you can't stall them too long if they get stuck on a high Harm ability, which as noted above is definitely a feels-bad kind of thing (as there's basically nothing you can do if this happens other than "get hit" or "tick that clock"). One cool thing is that one of the enemies rerolls 1's if you have high Lore, but my Lore never got that high so I never saw that. (Again, though, Flaming isn't too bad so it's not as bad as that would seem.)

The equipment's a bit all over the place. The Torch is like instantly worthless as soon as you get any other weapon, and the Syringe is fine but not incredible, aside from having Rally which is what makes the earlygame possible. (Being able to move on a 1 is pretty powerful at least.) The Rapier, however, is like the Longsword but strictly better - it can be activated on a 1 as well, and has Move 1/Harm 1 on a 1-2. For a bunch of Lore, you can combine the Syringe and the Rapier into the Blood-Drinking Blade, which is like the Rapier but even better, and has a two-handed mode that gives it the RUNE power-combo of Move + Adj/2 Spaces reach, along with wild amounts of Harm, in exchange for always taking 1 Harm every round. (Which...Rally doesn't stop you from healing that as written, so it's not much of a downside, is it.) You can also gain a handful of Molotovs (though a maximum of three, so don't get too comfortable using them...which means I of course never used it, haha.)

The Rune Lord is...honestly pretty trivial if you got the Blood-Drinking Blade, and not terribly hard even if you didn't. Phase 1 isn't too hard to damage-race and Phase 2 being Adjacent/2 Spaces when every weapon in the Realm can hit Same and has good movement means a savvy player is never getting hit.

Everyone can gain the Scourged Rune (If you roll 3 6's in a fight, you can reroll 1's for the rest of the fight), and if the RNG was kind to you and you had the opportunity to send 3 people to the Cathedral, you can get the Cleansed Rune instead (if you have 2 Move, you can dash over hazards). I grabbed Scourged even though I qualified for the Cleansed because it sounds way more generally useful.

  • Weapons:
    • Blood-Drinking Blade (The Sourged City)*
    • Lance of Light (Castle Blanchard)**
    • Radiant Heater (Cragcliff Reformatory)
  • Gear:
    • Graven Shackles (The Cracks Betwixt)
    • Raynard's Resistance (Abrus Island)
  • Runes:
    • E: Tide Run (Coral Rock)
    • E: Osteomancer's Rune (World's Grave)***
    • E: Rune of Control (Castle Blanchard)
    • Fate's Foe
    • Silvertongue Rune (Cragcliff Reformatory)
    • Devouring Rune (Bulwark Hollow)
    • Obran Express Medal (Obran Express)
    • Obsidian Arm (Obsidian Brink)
    • Fate's Hunter (Great Serpent Tree replacement)
    • Grinea's Stasis (Abrus Island)
    • False Rune (Dread Manse)
    • Scourged Rune (Scourged City)

*I'm going to nerf the hell out of this because it's cool but absolutely busted. I haven't quite decided how yet.
**Removing Block 1 on a 4, it's still too good.
***I forget if I mentioned it but I've been playing the health penalty as halving all health - so I've been rolling with 5 max Health for the most part, which feels right.

Next time, Echo Crater!

(Read the original on cohost here!)