ANOINTED23, 1/22 (end of full week 3)

ANOINTED23, 1/22 (end of full week 3)

January 22, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

Week 1, 2

Day 22! At the end of this week, it's mostly all sketched out.

  • Monday, 1/16: Point (7), the shallows. Last week we defined Saint Gratien, the Major Threat of the area. This is where he is, shuffling around mindlessly. He can be attacked here, or potentially bypassed (Default Aggressive, 5-6 Occupied).

  • Tuesday, 1/17, Point (8), the detritus pile. A mountain of materiel and bodies, piled into the back corner of this area. You can grab a Poleaxe here...however, it's harder to sneak back, because approaching the pile makes it shuffle around - meaning Gratien is more likely to be disturbed (Default Aggressive, 6 Occupied).

  • Wednesday, 1/18, Point (9), the far sinkhole shore. There's a handful of more whole Dregs here. Barnabas (who we defined last time) comes out from hiding when they're dispatched. You can easily retrieve the staff at Point 3 from this side of the bridge if you're so inclined.

  • Thursday, 1/19: We define the Memory which this place manifests. Since we decided last time that this is a Knowledge/Conviction area, the answers provided in the picklist are Prowess, Skill, 2 Conviction, and 2 Knowledge. Memory: Who or what was left behind when you became Anointed?

    1. Your fellow Fighters. Your camaraderie was immense, but immortality drove a wedge through it. (+1 Prowess.)
    2. Your craft. You could have been a famed artisan, but your skill fell away over time. (+1 Skill)
  • Friday, 1/20: The Conviction answers.

    1. Your faith. Seeing the machinations of the Church, especially during the Age of Spears, instilled doubt. (+1 Conviction.)
    2. Your family. Perhaps you tried at first, but the strain of watching them age and die was too much. (+1 Conviction)
  • Saturday, 1/21: The Knowledge answers.

    1. Your studies. An entire field was set back years when you were called to serve elsewhere. (+1 Knowledge.)
    2. Your pupils. Some would find their way elsewhere, on their own or with another teacher, while others would founder. (+1 Knowledge)
  • Sunday, 1/22: Some cleanup until the end of the month is probably in order. I'm going back and adding Dispositions to various Points where I don't have them.

    • Point 2: Default Aggressive, 5-6 Unaware
    • Point 3: Default Ambushing, 5-6 Aggressive
    • Point 4: Default Aggressive, 4-6 Distracted

I'll probably make a post about Dispositions sometime this week.

And that's that! Next week...more cleanup, probably. For one, I need to get Gratien into a better space. Might add another enemy type to make things a little more interesting. We'll see.

(Read the original on cohost here!)