
ANOINTED v0.2 is out, I made a tutorial for it, and I want to talk about it.

June 22, 2023
ttrpg design, anointed

ANOINTED v0.2 coverSo ANOINTED just got a big update. Part of that is that I added a Tutorial region! I wanna talk about it. The region ANOINTED's premise is that you are an immortal warrior (an Anointed) who has been locked away for years following ages of glory, intrigue, war, and disillusionment. When you emerge, you have no memories, but are called/drawn/etc to return to the side of the (long dead) king to whom all Anointed are beholden by ritual bond. ...

v0.2 release!

June 22, 2023
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! I’ve just released ANOINTED v0.2! This has: A revamped combat system that removes dice entirely. (You can see a preview of my initial formulation here, I changed a few things from there but that’s the general idea.) At long last, rules for exploration! A tutorial region. If I did it right, it should hopefully give you some idea of how to play the game! Give it a play, let me know what you think. ...

Removing/Reducing Dice in ANOINTED, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Token

May 15, 2023
ttrpg design, anointed, diceless

ANOINTED cover croppedI had been thinking about the topic of randomness when writing entries for Regions for ANOINTED23, but Spencer Campbell (GilaRPGs, creator of LUMEN/RUNE/etc) wrote two blog posts (with a third on the way) that got me thinking about it. Specifically, I'm wondering if I could/should just remove dice almost entirely from ANOINTED, my GMless or GM'd/group or solo soulslike game in development. The current situation In the interest of not assuming people have any idea what I'm talking about (and also to have it in one handy place for later) I'm going to list out the random/non-random parts of the game. ...

Dungeon23/ANOINTED23, March and April roundup (oops)

May 2, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

The Tower of Godfrey map (March)The Village of Plainswall map (April)Updating has been pretty spotty for reasons of "I wrote basically 150 pages of Game in these two months"! But as I had time to catch up on Month 4 and finalize it, here's my two. The Tower of Godfrey A prison that was originally built to house Godfrey, a rune sorcerer who did something egregious that was lost to time. ...


March 9, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

Well, "week" because it's actually for just March 1st through 5th. You know what I mean. Wednesday, 3/1: This month I'm making The Tower of Godfrey, a prison that was originally built by the Academy to house Godfrey, a rune sorcerer who did something egregious that was lost to time. Over time, it was expanded outward to house other inhabitants. It's going to have two Region clocks: Time, a 12-segment clock that ticks with every action/point movement, and Alert, a 6-segment clock that ticks every time Time rolls over, every time a fight lasts 5+ rounds, or on specific events. ...

ANOINTED23 Month 2 roundup: The Eternal Battlefield of Karus

February 28, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

January 30 through February 5th notebook entriesFebruary 6th through 12th entriesFebruary 13th through 19th entriesFebruary 20th through 26th entries (Follow-up from here but I'll be summarizing it in the post below. This includes weeks 7 and 8 because I got lazy.) We've got ourselves a 11-point region to round out February! A battle has proceeded for hundreds of years between the Fifth Regiment of the League of New Volinn (noted as Camp A above) and the Divine Order of Saint Amelia (Camp B). ...

v0.1.4 release!

February 22, 2023
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! Been awhile. I’d been iterating on ANOINTED briefly over the past 6 months or so, and thinking about it more recently because of Dungeon23/ANOINTED23. As such I’ve finally gotten enough done that I’ve released a v0.1.4. Brief list of changes: Defenses are all now wildly different. Armor is now subtractive rather than the previous situation, and all Armor now has a Poise to it. The old system was fine but created a bunch of weird problems. ...

ANOINTED23, 2/5 (end of week 5)

February 7, 2023
anointed23, dungeon23, anointed

February 1-5 brought us the start of the Eternal Battlefield of Karus. Wednesday, 2/1: Point 1, the Sanctuary. I didn't fuck up this time so it's first day. A stone altar sits here, largely untouched with time, with the inscription: "Pray for these warriors, that they may achieve victory over their foes for the cause of righteousness." (This is obviously talking about the eternal battle but also I'm doing a thing. ...

ANOINTED23, 1/31, week 4 + January wrapup

January 31, 2023
anointed23, dungeon23, anointed

Week 1, 2, 3 So this week, I pretty much just did cleanup. Tweaked Saint Gratien a bit: reduced MD to 1 and Poise to 4, and changed Invocation of Sanctity (spell parry) to Invocation of Vigilance (can't be staggered). This makes him a much more approachable threat as a mage while still being dangerous. Added Dispositions to Points 5, 6, and 9. Added more formal descriptions to every point (except 1, which was pretty good). ...

ANOINTED23, 1/22 (end of full week 3)

January 22, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

Week 1, 2 Day 22! At the end of this week, it's mostly all sketched out. Monday, 1/16: Point (7), the shallows. Last week we defined Saint Gratien, the Major Threat of the area. This is where he is, shuffling around mindlessly. He can be attacked here, or potentially bypassed (Default Aggressive, 5-6 Occupied). Tuesday, 1/17, Point (8), the detritus pile. A mountain of materiel and bodies, piled into the back corner of this area. ...