
ANOINTED23, 1/15 (end of full week 2)

January 15, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

Picture of my planner, week 2(Previous) Day 15! Halfway through. Here's the daily for that: Monday, 1/9: Point (1), the Sanctuary. (I'm going to be using the Sanctuaries to do two things. First is re-emphasize the Anointed's connection (via ritual) to the Church; second is to give some way to foreshadow some themes of the area. This is done from the description of it and a prayer set at each.) The place is new, but hastily-erected: it's half fallen apart. ...

ANOINTED23, 1/8 (end of full week 1), some rambling on planning for Attributes/Regions for ANOINTED

January 8, 2023
dungeon23, anointed23, anointed

Pointmap from 1 to 9.A bunch of chicken scratch writing from January 2 to 8.(Previous) So we're at day 8 for this Region. Here's the breakdown of what that looks like: Thursday, 1/5: I wrote a new enemy (Scavenger) that I'm picturing as like somewhere between a hyena, wolf, and vulture. Tactics are to approach/surround (they have a very good move for this with Advance 4/Retreat 2) and pick off from there. ...

v0.1.3 released!

July 26, 2022
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! I’ve released v0.1.3 of ANOINTED. This one’s mostly about combat tuning as discussed in my last post as well as more character options. I made the changes described there to staggering/unstaggering. Added and changed a bunch of keywords. Added a LOT of new Armaments and changed default loadouts a bit. I also introduced the concept of Variants, which is to say an Armament with a few parameters or one Attack/Maneuver changed but everything else the same. ...

v0.1.3 thoughts, area design

July 1, 2022
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! Been awhile because I’ve been working on The Infected World. But I’ve been thinking about and tweaking ANOINTED in the meantime a bit. Tweaks for v0.1.3 Some general playtesting observations/changes. Unstaggering needs to be worse for PCs and less bad for NPCs. The original stagger rules (each loses an action) made more sense in an earlier build of the game where each had two actions (more like APOCALYPSE FRAME). ...

v0.1.2 released!

April 27, 2022
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! v0.1.2 is out! Some notes on what changed: Relayout to 6” x 9”, made the font a bit smaller. If I print this, it’ll be hardcover, so there’s no sense staying too constrained. Made attribute changes as per this post. Made changes to the attribute spreads of the various Backgrounds to account for these changes. Each one now starts good at a unique combination of two Attributes. Made a major change to how combat turns work - it’s now PC goes, NPC goes, back and forth. ...


March 11, 2022
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! Wanted to think out loud about how attributes work. It’s been awhile since I thought out loud about design stuff. Attributes: A history So Attributes (or Approaches) are a standard LUMEN feature: they usually describe the way you’re going to tackle some obstacle and you roll that number of dice. In a typical LUMEN game that’s usually where they start and end. There are typically three of them. ...

v0.1.1 released!

March 10, 2022
itch devlog, anointed

Hi there! v0.1.1 is out! Most importantly in this updates is the fact that it now has an epub release. I also tweaked a few things across the board though - typos, oddities, inconsistencies, and one or two “feels better” style changes. I’ll be doing more substantial changes over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. Until next time! (Read the original on itch here!)