apocalypse frame

Thoughts about v0.1 -> v0.2: Frame Damage and Tags

August 22, 2021
itch devlog, apocalypse frame

Hi there! As promised, I’m going to talk about some other things that will be rebalanced for v0.2: Frame Damage and (a handful of) Tags. Some of these were revelations I had while testing, but others were a function of considering how things came together more closely. Frame Damage Frame Damage is the consequence of losing all of your Vigor. It’s intended to show wear and tear on a Frame that’s taken significant punishment and raise stakes in combat. ...

Thoughts about v0.1 -> v0.2: Attributes

August 15, 2021
itch devlog, apocalypse frame

Hi there! I’m going to be releasing dev logs for my process periodically. Especially as the game progresses and gets more content, it’ll probably make some decisions (in the past and future) make more sense. Hopefully it’s of some use to someone! Attributes in v0.1 In v0.1, the LUMEN Force/Flow/Focus attributes, Drive/Speed/Control, must simply total to 6 - minimum 1, maximum 4. This means you’d get the various permutations of three arrays: 4/1/1, 3/2/1, and 2/2/2. ...

First post! And later expectations.

August 13, 2021
itch devlog, apocalypse frame

This is the first development log post for APOCALYPSE FRAME! Thanks for taking the time to read it, and thanks so much if you've purchased/downloaded the game. Please let me know what you think! v0.1 of the game was released! A fully playable version of the game is released! It's got enough content to last a group a good while, advice that will help a GM run both long-form and short-form games, and ideas to help spur creativity. ...