ttrpg design

Valiant Pilgrimage

September 13, 2024
ttrpg design, valiant horizon, valiant persona

Last time I did a brainstorm session like this was for Persona: 1, 2, 3. This one's way shorter though. The idea is to flesh out some kind of specific JRPG-inspired campaign structure for Valiant Horizon. So let's say there's these crystals, right? Used to be 12 of them - nowadays there's, uh, let's say 3-5 PCs crystals remaining. Each of them has the power to maintain the last few villages that stand in the world and prevent them from being swallowed up by the darkness that has consumed the rest. ...

Revising Liminal Void, 2024 Edition

February 11, 2024
ttrpg design, total//effect, liminal void

Liminal Void quickstart coverLiminal Void's quickstart has been around a little more than a year now. It's the first Total//Effect thing I put out and it's...fine. It's fine. Total//Effect is a strong backbone, the vibe carries it pretty far in my opinion, and again in my humble opinion, my two quickstart scenarios are decent. (Read it yourself and see if you agree. It's free. Click that little liminal void tag at the bottom if you want to see me everything I've written about it here, which is quite a lot. ...

Valiant Persona, Part 2

February 4, 2024
ttrpg design, valiant horizon, valiant persona

So we started poking at turning Valiant Horizon into Persona in Part 1 by establishing initial premises of what even this kind of game is like. It's got a lot of the DNA of urban fantasy/masquerade style games (WoD, Unknown Armies, etc) but with a very different emphasis, and especially the fact that there's a harder divide between the two "halves". Now we start digging in to what we want to do with that. ...

Valiant Persona, Part 3 of 3*

February 4, 2024
ttrpg design, valiant horizon, valiant persona

*Before I release the extra edition that tacks on like 2 more posts. In Part 1 we established what kind of game we're using. In Part 2 we tied together Valiant Horizon's class system with the tarot thing Persona has going on. In this final installment (because at this point more beyond what I'm covering here would involve just making the thing) we're gonna think about using what we set up in part 2 for a session and campaign structure. ...

Valiant Persona, Part 1

February 3, 2024
ttrpg design, valiant horizon, valiant persona

I'm thinking about Persona* a lot lately, partially because P3 Reload is out and I kind of want to play it but also it's $70 so fuck that shit. But partially it's because I realized while putting together the playlist for Valiant Horizon how well the two concepts overlaid with each other with only a little reflavoring/stretching: Normalish people given extraordinary power Powers come from discrete beings with archetypical distinctions that are intended to match with the character Huge emphasis on relationships and building both towards understanding that archetypical power better and being closer to the person who wields it, is associated with it, etc. ...

2 Stats 2 Rolls

January 2, 2024
ttrpg design

Written for Prismatic Wasteland's "make a new mechanic and give it a name" challenge. You have two approaches to a situation on either side of a spectrum. For example, let's say... Soundwaves and Emotions. Decide which is "high" and which is "low", then define your Number between 1 and 10, inclusive. A number skewed towards one side means that you'll have high chances of success but also high chances of consequences for the other side, and vice versa. ...

Objective Game Design Axioms

December 19, 2023
ttrpg design

Make something that you'd want to play. Or wouldn't want to play, I guess, if that's your goal. Basically try to make something that holds your interest. Just feel it out, you know? You probably know what you want to do, practically speaking. Trust your instincts, they probably came from somewhere. Unless you don't have any clue where you're going which is fine too. Sometimes it's about the journey. Sure helps to have a destination in mind though. ...

Valiant Horizon post-itchfund-launch devlog #1: Diceless, Roll for Magnitude, and Roll for Success

August 3, 2023
ttrpg design, valiant horizon, total//effect, diceless

Valiant horizon logoThis post is about the various mechanical choices made in Valiant Horizon at a very high level. I group these into three categories: Diceless mechanics (stuff that works), Roll for Magnitude mechanics (stuff that works but you roll to see how much), and Roll for Success mechanics (stuff that works if a roll goes your way). Diceless The simplest kind of mechanic. This is what Assets, Exhausting Assets, and Burdens are: ...

Adapting Machinations of Court and Frame to a VN-ish format

July 2, 2023
ttrpg design, vn design, machinations of court and frame, diceless

For @liananana's Narrat Jam 2, I'm poking my ideas for a political, intrigue-based mecha game that cares deeply about ties between people with power into a little linear VN storyline. A TTRPG designed for PVP troupe-level play is pretty different from a story following one person! So I'm gonna think out loud about what I'm changing and why. Ah no I'm writing another dicelessness article by accident oh god help Off the bat, one of the technological aspects I ran into is that Narrat is very particular about skill rolls. ...

ANOINTED v0.2 is out, I made a tutorial for it, and I want to talk about it.

June 22, 2023
ttrpg design, anointed

ANOINTED v0.2 coverSo ANOINTED just got a big update. Part of that is that I added a Tutorial region! I wanna talk about it. The region ANOINTED's premise is that you are an immortal warrior (an Anointed) who has been locked away for years following ages of glory, intrigue, war, and disillusionment. When you emerge, you have no memories, but are called/drawn/etc to return to the side of the (long dead) king to whom all Anointed are beholden by ritual bond. ...